#1 Bestseller in Crime Fiction!


A serial killer is littering the south shore beach of Long Island with the bones of his female victims stuffed into burlap bags. Nick Mannino, The Good Lawyer and former South Bronx Legal Aid Attorney born into a mobster dominated family, is a complex and compelling character--his constant court battles nothing more than a futile effort to hide and deny a haunting truth about himself and worse--a sinewy bloodline marred by unspeakable crimes.
Then this brutal serial killer turns on him, and worse, his family.
As much a thriller as it is a mystery, with an ending as riveting as that in Silence of the Lambs, The Criminal Lawyer is also a love story, a novel of family secrets, and crimes beyond forgiveness.

“Evil does not hide. If you enjoy being totally entertained, read this book. I read it in one day, I could not put it down.”
— Amazon 5 star Review
“Great Book! Highly recommend. Story has many surprises twists and turns. Very good author. He had my heart racing several times.”
— Amazon 5 star Review
“Awesome book! I am looking forward to his next one!”
— Amazon 5 star Review